I got the impression that these guys were just using the bible to make what they were saying and preaching viable and true, you know no one ever bs with the bible in their hands,
The old door to door to bible sales men that used to roam a round had a bunch of well rehearsed talk and sales tactics when they tried to sell bibles too. There is proof of the of WTS. tactics
in a old booklet put out by the WTS. called the colporteurs guide for publishers, you might want to read that closely. The end times are here ploy was a marketing tool that was used to grab
peoples attention and it worked well for them and thats why they still use it to day, something like this on the front cover of a magazine grabs people obviously. Thats how by the way they
collect peoples minds and working slaves, fear and provocation can create miracles. The Kingdom after all was built by devoted slaves and what a great Kingdom it has become......Amen
They were simply marketing their own power to be, it's great when you can get other people to do it for you, is it not. While the heads the sit on top of the tower with all the power and glory
obtained the lowly slaves do the dirty work to build up the kingdom and support it's structure. The master slave arrangement is an old one and even goes back to biblical times. It was even
approved by god socially, isn't strange that when you need work done some people look to god...ummmm.................. Oh so thats where they got the idea from, now I get it.
Here's a link for that guide if anyone hasn't seen it yet http://www.exjws.net/museum/colporteur.htm